The online trouble reporting form can by accessed by clicking
here .
PHONE NUMBER (772) 345-6000 (877) 488-7782 toll-free 24/7
Customer Care
The online customer care form can by accessed by clicking
here .
ADDRESS HTC-Plus/Home Town Telephone P.O. Box 01-9711 Miami, Fl 33101-9711PHONE NUMBER (772) 345-6000 (877) 488-7782 toll-free Monday through Friday 9am - 6pm
Billing Questions
On-line bill presentment and automatic bill payment by credit card or debit/check card is available now.
ADDRESS HTC-Plus/Home Town Telephone P.O. Box 01-9711 Miami, Fl 33101-9711PHONE NUMBER (772) 345-6000 (877) 488-7782 toll-free Monday through Friday 9am - 6pm
Again, we appreciate your business, and look forward to providing you with reliable, convenient, and cost-effective telecommunications services for many years to come.